New Ways To Save

As we enter the season of gift giving, it’s time to watch budgets even closer. Explore these sites recommended by, The  Dumbest Things We Keep Spending Too Much Money On, to save on your monthly bills and other needed household items such as:

Car Insurance
Credit Card Interest
High Speed Internet
Movies and More

Leave yourself more money for the fun things in life during the holidays.

Time For a Budget?

Need help tracking your expenses and actual spending? Want to see your money grow? Try one of these budgeting Apps recommended by Wirecutter for the New York Times. Through rigorous testing they have narrowed it down to two Apps, Simplifi by Quicken and YNAB. The first synchs well with banks, is easy to set-up, and offers an overview of spending. YNAB (You Need a Budget) is more difficult to navigate but records dollar for dollar and may be better for those who want to account for every cent. Both involve a small annual fee. Want to learn more? Read the full article here: The Best Budgeting Apps.

Make the Most of Your Money

Want some creative ways to save money, preserve your savings, and even earn extra cash?
Try these tips:
Use a debit card that pays you for every purchase.
Be sure you’re not overspending on items.
Comparison shop for car insurance twice a year.
Invest in the stock market. It doesn’t take as much money as you might think.
Earn extra money with
Purchase life insurance.
Add points to your credit score.
Try the real estate business.

Read more here. 8 Strange Money Moves to Make Before Tomorrow Ends

A List To Save Money

Looking for ways to save money?  Want to better organize your thoughts before heading to the grocery store, find useful coupons, and create an easy meal plan?  Then this site is for you!  In a society where we so readily waste food, it’s nice to know these organizational tools are there to help us save, be more healthful, and conserve our resources.

Free Printable Grocery Lists

Saving Money Collectively

Just the other day, our garage door spring broke.  Putting out a request for suggestions on a Facebook group brought a great amount of feedback and ultimately a free, brand-new garage spring.  There are many of these sites available that can help you network with others who may have what you need or need what you’ve got.  Read more and learn about the best ways to save money in your community.   How to Save Money With the Help of Your Community

Tax Confusion?

What will the new tax bills mean for you?  At the moment it’s not quite clear.  Accountants and tax advisors everywhere are watching with bated breath as we approach the current tax season where these new laws will take affect.  The best advice in the article? Schedule your tax professional appointment early this year.

Confused by the Tax Bills? Be Glad You’re Not an Accountant


Save Money

You can still eat steak, but cooking it at home saves at least 50%.

Ever read an article with tips for saving money and thought how easy it could be to reign in your budget?  This couple saved over $50,000 in 2014 by downsizing, eating at home more often, canceling unused subscriptions and going car free.  Although the last one is feasible only if you live in an area with public transportation, the rest are simple and applicable to all.

8 strategies for saving money from a couple that banked $50,000 last year

“We stopped a nasty habit we had of reading about great tips and then failing to implement them,” Matt writes. “Avoid our mistakes. … Literally, do something today from this list and start saving money.”


Save On Your Property Taxes

imageWere you shocked by the amount listed when you got your property appraisal in the mail recently?  Did you know that protesting the appraisal is an option?  Although not a simple process, it can be done by an individual.  If you feel you need help with the paperwork and supporting documents, there are companies available who specialize in this type of tax appeal.  You may be surprised by how much you will save on property taxes when your appraisal is lowered successfully.

2015 Tax Appraisal Tax Appeal

Beg, Borrow or Buy?

catalog tools imageInvest or borrow?  Kim Myles offers great advice about when to purchase or borrow eight key items in her article, Save Money, Save Space: 8 Things to Borrow Instead of Buy.  From air mattresses to tools to serving dishes, consider her wisdom about storage space and necessity before you make that next impulse buy for a weekend guest or dinner party.