Retirement Ready?

Does the thought of retirement make you nervous or are you still in the stage where you’re throwing out all the mail you get from AARP?  Peter Finch for the New York Times offers a detailed, five-year plan to help you prepare.  Finch explores the process by breaking each year down into easy steps, ranging from calculating self-worth/future needs, to recognizing health insurance options, investigating reverse mortgages, and considering long term care.

Countdown to Retirement: A Five-Year Plan

Scratch That, Reverse It!



When I say “Reverse Mortgage” do you envision Fred Thompson talking about how your home has equity that you can use to live on in old age?  In the past, this kind of investment has been viewed as risky at best, but now there may be something to it.  Home equity could be just another part of your portfolio, and an important one at that.

Love Them or Loathe Them, Reverse Mortgages Have a Place