Rising tuition costs and student debt are becoming significant factors in the ability of millennials to buy houses. An analysis published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York last year suggests that student debt was responsible for up to 35 percent of the decline in homeownership among people between the ages of 28 and 30 from 2007 to 2015. (Homeownership for people under 28 tends to be low.). With many young adults leaving college with large bills, even landing good jobs isn’t enough to pay their debt in a timely manner.
Tag: millenials
I’d like a half-caf, decaf, mocha latte, half foam with a dash of cinnamon…
Where did you get coffee on your last business trip? Chances are it was a Starbucks; according to reports based on recent expense account processing. Even though it’s not the most economical place for a java, it is convenient. Surprisingly, the study goes on to say that millennials are spending less on food while traveling, and tend to eat at familiar chain restaurants. Especially ones who offer wi-fi.
Oh, and next time you’re there, ask for a ceramic mug and hang out for a while.