Use The Food You Have

Fridge-organizing-tips-placement-veg_335_354_largeEver feel convicted about wasting food when you clean out the refrigerator?
Then try the ideas offered in, Tips to Reduce Food Waste.  Practices as simple as letting vegetables have room to breathe in the cripser drawer and using leftover seafoods and meats to make stock can greatly reduce the amount of food that spoils before it can be consumed.  This article not only offers food saving alternatives but better ways to use all parts of fruits and vegetables, including recipes to try at home.  Imagine the feeling of opening an empty fridge and knowing that you and your family ate everything that was in there leaving no waste.


Buy Only What You’ll Use

7Give yourself time to think about every purchase.  That’s what Carl Richards, for the New York Times suggests in his article, New Rule: All Purchases Subject to a 7-Day Mental Quarantine.  We have a similar process in our house for purchases made at Goodwill.  If you bring it home, you must clean it and incorporate it into your life within seven days or it goes back to Goodwill.  In many ways, this compares to the seven-day item quarantine Carl’s family is currently using.

During the quarantine, the person desiring the object must answer the following questions: How much did it cost? Are you replacing something you already own? Why do you think it’s amazing? And if it’s food, are you sure you’ll eat it?  Once the time limit has passed, it is much easier to make an ‘informed’ decision and not end up with something you’ll never wear, use or eat.  Give it a try and let us know if it works for you in the comments.

What’s On Your Desk?

3115062-Polka-Blue-Vintage-Tea-Cup-Saucer-Boxed_652383739451-coMake yourself number one!  Keep in mind that when you are happy and taken care of, you are able to do much more efficient and focused work.  Not to mention warding off the temptation to feast on the chocolates at your neighbor’s desk or the donuts in the break room.  The ideas shared by Danielle, a contributor to, in her article, Be Happier at Work: Try This Simple Desk Update Today make sense.  Who doesn’t enjoy drinks and delicious snacks at his/her fingertips, as well as a little beauty added to the space?

Shall we give this a try?

Tell us your experiences in the comments section and we’ll share ours too.  Now, get to work!

Thinking it’s About Time For a Snack?

  • Are you sitting at your desk right now wishing you had a big piece of chocolate cake? Ever wondered why you feel the overwhelming urge for a sugary snack each afternoon?  In their article, The Science Behind the 3 p.m. Snack Slump, offers scientific facts about the late afternoon slump as well as ways to curb your desire for sugar and fat with healthy options.  5 Healthy Ways to Beat Your Afternoon Snack Cravings.  They even mention that sleep may play a big part in this daily crave.  Instead of willing yourself to not eat junk, maybe you should just go to bed!