Protest Those Property Tax Appraisals

From the Texas Comptroller’s email:

A new slide show on the Texas Comptroller’s Web site can help homeowners who are protesting their property tax appraisals.  County appraisal districts establish the taxable value for residences, but in most counties, homeowners have until June 1 to file a protest.

How to Present Your Case at an Appraisal Review Board Hearing: A Guide for Homeowners makes the property tax process more transparent by providing easy-to-understand information about what to expect at a property appraisal protest hearing.

“Homeowners are empowered by understanding the protest process, knowing what information to present to the local Appraisal Review Board and how to present it,” Texas Comptroller Susan Combs said. “It helps homeowners make convincing appeals and helps the review boards make better decisions.”

Appraisal review boards generally hear property appraisal protests between May 15 and July 25, except in major urban areas with extended protest periods.

Harris County Appraisal District Chief Deputy Sands Stiefer said the slide presentation is a welcome new resource for property taxpayers.

“We plan to link our Web site to the Comptroller’s video, and we are considering running the video in the waiting room at our ARB hearings,” Stiefer said.

To view the narrated slide show and read much more information about the property tax appraisal and appeal process, visit the Comptroller’s Web site at

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